June 6, 2023

3 Simple Ways To Tell If You Have An Imbalance In Your Body

If you suspect that you have an imbalance, there are a few simple ways to tell...

3 Simple Ways To Tell If You Have An Imbalance In Your Body


Imbalances in the body can manifest in a variety of ways. You may feel fatigued, have difficulty concentrating, or experience aches and pains. If you suspect that you have an imbalance, there are a few simple ways to tell. First, pay attention to your energy levels. If you find that you are consistently tired or run down, it may be a sign that something is out of balance. Second, take note of your mood. If you are feeling irritable, anxious, or down, it could be a sign of an imbalance. Lastly, check in with your gut. If you are experience digestive issues, it may be a sign that your gut is out of balance. If you suspect that you have an imbalance, there are a few simple ways to tell.

The Bloated Feeling

Common causes of bloating include eating too fast, processed foods, food intolerances, infection, digestion and absorption issues.  Did you know that most patients by the age of 40 are already in need of digestive help? Antibiotics, being placed on a common treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) known as PPI’s such as Nexium, Prilosec often affect the gut flora and will increase the need for digestive help down the road. Pay close attention to your diet and compare to when you were feeling more balanced to find out what’s causing the bloating. Still struggling, maybe it's time to see a medical provider.

The Sleepy Feeling

Many people experience fatigue, brain fog and a general sleepy feeling when there is an imbalance in the body. This is usually an indication that the body is in an overly stressed state which may be due to poor dietary choices, stress, environmental factors, or other medical conditions. It is important to get enough quality sleep, to reduce stress and most importantly, to support the system with the right nutrition. Stress-reduction practices such as yoga or tai chi can be beneficial for not just addressing the symptoms of an imbalance in the body, but also for restoring the balance. You should also make sure to find time to relax and practice mindfulness. Nutrition is particularly important for those experiencing sleep problems. It is very helpful to reduce sugar consumption and to incorporate foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as fresh vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Herbal teas may also be helpful for relaxation and to encourage better quality sleep. Don't guess, Before you embark on supplementation consider functional medicine testing to find out exactly which nutrient is depleted. Don't guess!

The Aching Joints Feeling

The aching joint feeling is another common symptom of an imbalanced body. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience recurring aching joint pain. Diagnosing the underlying cause and prescribing the appropriate treatments are essential.  Functional medicine can be utilized to dig deeper once an acute issue has been ruled out. Inflammation can be the result of many different dysfunctions and not just one main cause.  Sometimes it takes both forms of medicine(conventional and integrative) to create the best treatment plan for you.

If your experiencing these symptoms, don't wait see a provider today!